A few podcasts on my iPod (I intend to expand the reviews later):
* MtGCast (mtgcast.com) - a steady source of new high-quality podcasts. If you want a new podcast to listen to every day, this is the place for you.
Shows on MtGCast:
** Monday Night Magic - Tom, Derek, and Gavin. The main spearhead podcast for MTGCast: Tom is the Johnny, Gavin is the Spike, and everyone else involved helped make it quality edutainment.
** Road Warrior Otwell - Christopher E. Otwell
** Planeswalk with the Professors
** The Magic Schoolbus
** The Magic Sock
* The Magic Sock - a long time veteran to magic, great content.
* Magic: the Gathering Podcast - Excellent coverage of Pro Tour, Grand Prix, and World tourneys. This is the podcast where pros get their 5 minutes of fame.
* Mana Nation (mananation.com)- Weekly hi-defintion video podcasts, very professional looking. New players should check out the videos of drafting and play.
* Deck Builders -
* DeckConstruct - Alex and Dan, bringing the magic of London to the world.
* Mana Pool -
Labels: deck builders, deckconstruct, magic, magic schoolbus, magic sock, magic the gathering, mana nation, mtgcast, night magic, podcast, podcasts, review, reviews
Thomas Painter
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