I was thinking of a way to show people how Magic the Gathering is played by using regular casino style cards:
Each player gets a regular 54 card deck and starts the match with 20 points. Players shuffle and draw seven cards, but if they do not like their hands they may reshuffle and replace their hand with one less card (6...5...etc) until they like their hand or give up and lose that game. Players then draw a card from their decks and place that card in the discard pile, the player with the highest number card goes first; if neither player draws a number card, repeat until one player does.
The first player's turn begins. At the beginning of a player's turn they must untap all their cards (won't happen your first turn). Then that player must draw a card into their hand (if they have no cards left in their deck, they lose at that time). That player may then play any single number card as a power card by putting it into play (not the discard pile); once per turn, on their turn, each player may put only one power card into play. Red power cards fuel red cards, black power cards fuel black cards. The number on the power card must be at least as high as the value of the card you wish to play.
To play a card, turn a power card sideways (until the beginning of your turn) to show it has been used, then put your card into play. You may play as many cards this way as you have remaining power cards.
* Hearts give one player points equal to their card value (you may receive the points yourself or give them to another player).
* Diamonds draw cards equal to their card value (anyone may draw, but if you have more than 7 cards at the end of your turn, discard down to 7).
* Clubs drain points equal to their card value (you'll probably want to affect an opponent rather than yourself).
* Spades discard cards equal to their card value (someone of your choice will discard cards in their hand and then cards from their deck if necessary).
After the card's effect has been completed, put it in the discard pile unless it was a power card (which has no effect) or face card (which stays in play).
Once per turn, on your turn, a face card may attack and attempt to drain an opponent's points according to it's value:
Kings 3 (King of Diamonds draws 3 cards when first played)
Queens 2 (Queen of Hearts gives 2 points, probably to you)
Jacks 1 (Jack of Clubs drains 1 point, also from someone of your choice)
When face cards attack, turn them sideways until the beginning of your turn.
Face cards may also prevent points from being drained by other face cards and doing so does not require them to turn sideways, but if they prevent a loss of more points than they have then they are sent to the discard pile.
Aces may be played during anyone's turn and send any opponent's card to the discard pile regardless of where their card is, aces prevent a card's effect from taking place. Ace's may prevent Ace's from taking effect.
Jokers put a card in the discard pile on top of it's deck.
A player loses the game when they have no points or must draw when they have no cards in their deck.
Labels: cards, magic, magic the gathering, mtg, playing, playing cards, poker
Thomas Painter
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